IATI Publishing Statistics now has a new home: http://publishingstats.iatistandard.org.


On the Registry fcdo
Reporting Org on Registry GB-GOV-1
Reporting Org(s) in Data GB-GOV-1
Activity Files 29
Organisation Files 1
Total File Size 266.8 MB
Activities 24122
Unique Activities 24122
Organisations 1
Versions 2.02 2.03
Hierarchies 1 2 null
Licenses uk-ogl
Files failing validation 0

24122 Activities


29 Activity Files


1 Organisation Files


Files per version


266.8 MB Total File Size


Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

This section will be blank if no issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)
Total 152886 4533846659.37 GBP
70188 62411402990.0 GBP
79157 92309131828.0 GBP
2000 70 47 1362403614.0 GBP
23 920804.0 GBP
2001 130 112 161970851.0 GBP
18 -159896.0 GBP
2002 268 250 286745274.0 GBP
18 1368308.0 GBP
2003 417 399 355707753.0 GBP
18 330083.0 GBP
2004 683 662 651273139.0 GBP
21 2244843.0 GBP
2005 1019 996 1023503276.0 GBP
23 4472076.0 GBP
2006 1503 1453 1095015885.0 GBP
50 350459149.0 GBP
2007 2660 1648 951588911.0 GBP
1012 1467851744.0 GBP
2008 5168 2684 812042326.0 GBP
2484 3449500158.0 GBP
2009 8082 5222 718575653.0 GBP
2860 5804556650.0 GBP
2010 7705 5063 1412743261.0 GBP
2642 5201019408.0 GBP
2011 6993 28295122.55 GBP
4420 167749637.0 GBP
2572 833938142.0 GBP
2012 8268 16288913.0 GBP
1491 615836916.0 GBP
6776 5480987952.0 GBP
2013 9282 30671861.51 GBP
1828 1415446405.0 GBP
7453 8282973940.0 GBP
2014 9700 19993728.0 GBP
1981 1812724024.0 GBP
7718 6557639565.0 GBP
2015 9712 22418236.0 GBP
1819 517216833.0 GBP
7892 8526992663.0 GBP
2016 10569 410074092.126 GBP
1707 795359679.0 GBP
7459 8681294395.0 GBP
2017 9230 374968362.123 GBP
1580 2458424643.0 GBP
6871 7388090603.0 GBP
2018 8903 647212072.692 GBP
1533 944786415.0 GBP
6827 8952107077.0 GBP
2019 8395 722373797.831 GBP
1400 687566886.0 GBP
6761 9541529625.0 GBP
2020 7706 661804323.58 GBP
1371 1440456672.0 GBP
6172 7406077397.0 GBP
2021 6923 491014777.108 GBP
3291 2663915099.0 GBP
3487 4374937142.0 GBP
2022 6623 424298100.0 GBP
6572 5784287862.0 GBP
2023 6677 411783800.0 GBP
6634 6128697448.0 GBP
2024 6250 6250 9093909194.0 GBP
2025 3957 3957 6337970958.0 GBP
2026 2560 2560 5074996946.0 GBP
2027 1651 1651 3691036355.0 GBP
2028 908 908 1796749179.0 GBP
2029 438 438 1055351589.0 GBP
2030 149 149 527370628.0 GBP
2031 43 43 250405525.0 GBP
2032 43 43 190029648.0 GBP
2033 26 26 129544506.0 GBP
null 175 272649472.85 GBP

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
fcdo-alb 10 0 1.2 MB 2.03
fcdo-bbcws 2 0 147.1 kB 2.03
fcdo-british-council 2 0 1.7 MB 2.03
fcdo-cssf 97 0 1.3 MB 2.03
fcdo-international-programmes-oda-dataset 122 0 1.4 MB 2.03
fcdo-intsubs 2 0 170.2 kB 2.03
fcdo-org 0 1 87.8 kB 2.03
fcdo-programme-strategic 867 0 7.7 MB 2.03
fcdo-prosperityfund 819 0 4.5 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-1 683 0 8.8 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-10 937 0 13.9 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-11 1114 0 17.7 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-12 1129 0 15.6 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-13 1266 0 18.8 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-14 1188 0 15.6 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-15 1274 0 15.4 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-16 1277 0 16.4 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-17 1463 0 19.5 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-18 1611 0 17.9 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-19 1419 0 11.0 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-2 771 0 9.9 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-20 1368 0 8.0 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-3 745 0 7.4 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-4 708 0 8.8 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-5 773 0 8.0 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-6 787 0 9.0 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-7 729 0 6.4 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-8 788 0 6.9 MB 2.03
fcdo-set-9 853 0 10.7 MB 2.03
fcdo-z_historic-programme 1318 0 3.2 MB 2.02

Codelist Values (version 2.xx)

Element/Attribute Codelist Values on Codelist Values not on Codelist
.//@default-currency Currency 1 0
.//@xml:lang Language 1 0
.//activity-date/@type ActivityDateType 4 0
.//activity-scope/@code ActivityScope 8 0
.//activity-status/@code ActivityStatus 3 0
.//budget/@status BudgetStatus 2 0
.//budget/@type BudgetType 2 0
.//budget/value/@currency Currency 1 0
.//collaboration-type/@code CollaborationType 3 0
.//conditions/condition/@type ConditionType 1 0
.//contact-info/@type ContactType 1 0
.//country-budget-items/@vocabulary BudgetIdentifierVocabulary 1 0
.//crs-add/channel-code/text() CRSChannelCode 40 3
.//default-aid-type/@code CashandVoucherModalities 0 10
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//default-finance-type/@code FinanceType 5 0
.//default-flow-type/@code FlowType 1 0
.//default-tied-status/@code TiedStatus 1 0
.//description/@type DescriptionType 1 0
.//document-link/@format FileFormat 9 0
.//document-link/category/@code DocumentCategory 26 0
.//document-link/language/@code Language 7 0
.//location/exactness/@code GeographicExactness 2 0
.//location/feature-designation/@code LocationType 9 0
.//location/location-class/@code GeographicLocationClass 2 0
.//location/location-id/@vocabulary GeographicVocabulary 1 0
.//location/location-reach/@code GeographicLocationReach 1 0
.//other-identifier/@type OtherIdentifierType 4 0
.//participating-org/@role OrganisationRole 3 0
.//participating-org/@type OrganisationType 10 0
.//policy-marker/@code PolicyMarker 10 0
.//policy-marker/@significance PolicySignificance 4 0
.//policy-marker/@vocabulary PolicyMarkerVocabulary 1 0
.//recipient-country/@code Country 149 0
.//recipient-region/@code Region 20 0
.//recipient-region/@vocabulary RegionVocabulary 1 0
.//related-activity/@type RelatedActivityType 3 0
.//reporting-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//sector/@code UNSDG-Targets 0 162
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//sector/@vocabulary SectorVocabulary 2 0
.//tag/@code UNSDG-Targets 0 2
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//tag/@vocabulary TagVocabulary 1 0
.//transaction/provider-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//transaction/receiver-org/@type OrganisationType 3 0
.//transaction/recipient-country/@code Country 133 0
.//transaction/recipient-region/@code Region 7 0
.//transaction/sector/@code UNSDG-Targets 0 20
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//transaction/sector/@vocabulary SectorVocabulary 2 0
.//transaction/transaction-type/@code TransactionType 6 0
.//transaction/value/@currency Currency 1 0

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 24122 29
iati-activity/@default-currency 24122 29
iati-activity/@hierarchy 21937 27
iati-activity/@humanitarian 2935 20
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 1054 7
iati-activity/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 21937 27
iati-activity/activity-date 24122 29
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 24122 29
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 24122 29
iati-activity/activity-scope 23978 29
iati-activity/activity-scope/@code 23978 29
iati-activity/activity-status 24122 29
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 24122 29
iati-activity/budget 18375 29
iati-activity/budget/@status 2583 9
iati-activity/budget/@type 15788 20
iati-activity/budget/period-end 18375 29
iati-activity/budget/period-end/@iso-date 18375 29
iati-activity/budget/period-start 18375 29
iati-activity/budget/period-start/@iso-date 18375 29
iati-activity/budget/value 18375 29
iati-activity/budget/value/@currency 15788 20
iati-activity/budget/value/@value-date 18375 29
iati-activity/capital-spend 3875 28
iati-activity/capital-spend/@percentage 3875 28
iati-activity/collaboration-type 14049 20
iati-activity/collaboration-type/@code 14049 20
iati-activity/conditions 6 4
iati-activity/conditions/@attached 6 4
iati-activity/conditions/condition 6 4
iati-activity/conditions/condition/@type 6 4
iati-activity/conditions/condition/narrative 6 4
iati-activity/contact-info 24122 29
iati-activity/contact-info/@type 21815 26
iati-activity/contact-info/email 24122 29
iati-activity/contact-info/mailing-address 21815 26
iati-activity/contact-info/mailing-address/narrative 21815 26
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation 21815 26
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation/narrative 21815 26
iati-activity/contact-info/telephone 21815 26
iati-activity/country-budget-items 15752 20
iati-activity/country-budget-items/@vocabulary 15752 20
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item 15752 20
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/@code 15752 20
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/@percentage 15752 20
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description 15752 20
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description/narrative 15752 20
iati-activity/crs-add 3099 7
iati-activity/crs-add/channel-code 3099 7
iati-activity/default-aid-type 17455 29
iati-activity/default-aid-type/@code 17455 29
iati-activity/default-finance-type 16925 29
iati-activity/default-finance-type/@code 16925 29
iati-activity/default-flow-type 17277 29
iati-activity/default-flow-type/@code 17277 29
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iati-activity/default-tied-status/@code 24122 29
iati-activity/description 24122 29
iati-activity/description/@type 22712 28
iati-activity/description/narrative 24122 29
iati-activity/document-link 5447 29
iati-activity/document-link/@format 5447 29
iati-activity/document-link/@url 5447 29
iati-activity/document-link/category 5447 29
iati-activity/document-link/category/@code 5447 29
iati-activity/document-link/document-date 4105 28
iati-activity/document-link/document-date/@iso-date 4105 28
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iati-activity/location/exactness/@code 5471 20
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iati-activity/location/location-reach 5471 20
iati-activity/location/location-reach/@code 5471 20
iati-activity/location/name 5471 20
iati-activity/location/name/narrative 5471 20
iati-activity/location/point 5471 20
iati-activity/location/point/@srsName 5471 20
iati-activity/location/point/pos 5471 20
iati-activity/other-identifier 18872 26
iati-activity/other-identifier/@ref 18872 26
iati-activity/other-identifier/@type 18872 26
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org 15633 17
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/@ref 15633 17
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/narrative 15633 17
iati-activity/participating-org 24122 29
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 24122 29
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 24122 29
iati-activity/participating-org/@type 20996 25
iati-activity/participating-org/narrative 24122 29
iati-activity/policy-marker 6609 26
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iati-activity/policy-marker/narrative 4987 20
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iati-organisation/total-budget/{https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/foreign-commonwealth-development-office}narrative 1 1
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